Case Study – Sedona Waterproofing Solutions
When we were initially contacted by Sedona Waterproofing Solutions, our first step was to conduct a current website and SEO analysis. Their current website was outdated, lacked meta tags and other essential SEO components. The website content was copied from other websites and many pages had the exact same content.
From a marketing standpoint, the previous company was writing blog posts; however, the posts were copied from other blogs which created the problem of using duplicate content. The previous company was also using email marketing as their main reach. The recipients of these emails were previous customers. However, basement and crawl space waterproofing services are not a product a customer needs on a weekly, monthly or even yearly basis, so advertising to previous customers had no benefit.
Our Plan:
Our plan was to design a user friendly, responsive website with strategically placed “calls-to-action”. Create new high quality website content and add new web pages for each specific services.
Step 2 was to set up the on-site SEO components including meta tags, analytics, etc. Off-page SEO included the addition of local business listings, optimization of the Google My Business listing, monthly blog posts and guest posts and business mentions on high quality and high traffic websites, video and image marketing and press releases. Our blog posts and guest posts are all a minimum of 1000 words and all content created is new, original content. Blog posts were also shared on the company social media accounts and promoted which resulted in an increase in traffic, branding and leads.
Research also showed excellent possibilities advertising with Google Adwords (PPC Advertising). We set up a campaign that targeted mobile devices, tablets and desktop computers. We created multiple ads to target their specific services offered by the client. Analytics and tracking tools were added to track our results.
Before we began our services, the client was accustomed to getting 1-2 leads per month. The client operated with one crew performing the services and the owner providing assessments and quotes to clients. Currently the client is operating with 4-5 work crews and 2-3 managers who visit potential clients for assessments and quotes. Currently the client is getting between 60-80 leads per month from our combined services. Factors include the weather and time of year for this business.
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